Que a prática de exercício físico traz benefícios as condições físicas isso é uma questão bem consolidada, mas provar que esses tais benefícios extrapolam a performance e composição corporal ainda é uma busca incessante.
Um trabalho recentemente publicado buscou investigar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre a redução da composição corporal e sobre os benefícios sociais e de auto-imagem. Nesse trabalho adolescente obesos faziam exercícios em bicicletas estacionarias durante 10 semanas e ao terminou avaliou se melhora em parâmetros como: auto imagem, e de performance pessoal dos exercícios sem alteração significativa sobre redução dos parâmetros corpóreos.
Para aqueles que praticam exercícios essa é uma constatação conhecida, mas vale sempre lembrar esses fatos aos relutantes ao exercício e defensores do sedentarismo.
J Pediatr Psychol. 2012 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print]
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Psychosocial Functioning of Adolescents Who Are Overweight or Obese.
Healthy Active Living & Obesity Research Group, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Department of Pediatrics, University of Ottawa, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Centre for Healthy Active Living, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and Department of Psychology, Carleton University.
To evaluate effects of stationary cycling to music versus interactive video game cycling on psychosocial functioning in obese adolescents.
30 obese adolescents aged 12-17 years were randomized to twice weekly laboratory-based sessions of stationary cycling to music or interactive video game cycling for a 10-week trial. Participant's self-reported measures of scholastic competence, social competence, athletic competence, body image, and self-esteem were obtained. Aerobic fitness and body composition were directly measured.
Although no differences emerged between exercise groups over time, when collapsed across exercise modality, significant pre-post improvements were found for body image, perceived scholastic competence and social competence. Changes in aerobic fitness, but not body composition, were positively associated with psychosocial functioning.
Aerobic exercise was associated with improvements in body image, perceived academic performance, and social competence in obese adolescents, and these psychological benefits were related to improved aerobic fitness but not changes in body composition.